Medicaid and Interest Lists/Waivers
Steps Every Family Needs to Know
Medicaid Waiver Programs allow the state to use funds for home and community-based services and supports for people with disabilities. These programs provide funding supports such as a personal attendant, respite, therapies, adaptive aids, home and vehicle modifications, etc.
Join us as Kim Bouldin, Disability Services Program Manager for Intake and Access at My Health My Resources (MHMR) Tarrant County, outlines Medicaid programs, supports available, how to join the interest list and important steps every family needs to know.

6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Tarrant County Public Health
1101 South Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Refreshments provided. Childcare available with advance registration.
A morning session of this presentation will also be held from 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. at the same location. Childcare unavailable for the morning session. No RSVP required.
Guest Presenter:

Kim Bouldin has been a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker for almost 26 years and has worked at MHMR Tarrant for 17. During that time, Kim has worked in as an Early Intervention Specialist and Program Director in the ECI program, as an HCS waiver program Service Coordinator/Mentor and as a Disability Services Consumer Benefits Specialist. Kim truly enjoys the work she does and feels that it is her mission to help each person she meets see their worth, regardless of their ability. Kim is married to a wonderful man and has two grown sons and six beautiful grandchildren. When she is not at work, she enjoys road trips and spending time with family.