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Information listed below is a simple listing of events happening around the area that may be of interest to our community.
To receive monthly updates, subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter.
Join us for educational meetings, networking and other special events.
The IDD Council seeks to bring inclusion and awareness of IDD through community events and education.
Together, we can collectively accomplish in Tarrant County what no one individual, agency or leader can do alone.
Learn more about the IDD Council, how to become a member, volunteer, join a committee, or donate.
Please confirm dates, times and event details with the host organization.
Additional events of interest - Due to COVID-19, please contact the organizer to ensure activity schedule has not been modified.
- Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT-NT) Group Meet-ups
- Tween Social Group
- Parents of Children with Autism
- Teen Social Group
- Down Syndrome Partnership Activities for Families and Self-Advocates
- Next Chapter Book Club
- Zoom-ba Fitness Dance Class
- Art with Emily
- Dance with Candace
- Teen Sceen Virtual Scavenger Hunt
- Mom's Night Out Virtual Trivia Night
- Partners Resource Network
- UTA Disability Studies Accessible Park Survey
- UTA Disabilities Studies seeks input on a Public City Park inclusive of people with disabilities. Click here to answer 11 short questions.
- UTA Disability Studies Recruitment for Wheelchair Proficiency Study
- Ongoing dates available
- We Have A Voice Season 2021 Advocacy Theater Company
Bi-weekly (email for details)
UNT Health Science Center Research Study Opportunities
A Look Ahead Quarterly Conference Series
UTA Movin' Mavs Adapted Sport Clinic
The 3rd Saturday of each month
Next Chapter Book Club for ages 18 and over
Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Free Intensive Training for Parents of Children with Autism at Child Study Center
iFLY All Abilities Night
The 2nd Wednesday of each month
South Tarrant SibShops
Sibshops open to typically developing brothers and sisters of individuals with disabilities to network and connect with other siblings who 'get it'.
- Tarrant County College Southeast Campus First Choice and Autism Program Tours
Held bi-monthly. Email Nita Halliburton for details.
TCU Research on Learning in Adolescents Ages 10-17
Seeking typically developing children and children with an ASD diagnosis to better understand how to improve learning, memory, and perceptions in memory.
TCU Research Registry for Autism
Currently seeking families to join a research registry to investigate the social and emotional development of infants and children.
TCU Seeking Research Participants Ages 6-12
Sing Your Way Home Adapted Lessons, Music Groups and Music Therapy
Chamberlain Performing Arts Dance Program
Each Saturday morning
Chuck E Cheese Sensory Sunday
The 1st Sunday of each month
BEAT Services Center Stage Performers
Each Thursday, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Gluten Free 101 Class
Email GIG North Texas for details
RecMania Adaptive Recreation Night - Handley Meadowbrook Rec Center
Movie Days - AMC Theaters
- Movie Days - Studio Movie Grill
- Varying Saturdays of each month
Northwest Lions Club Movie Days - Texas Movie Bistro
The 1st Saturday of each month
Special Family Saturday's at Jumpstreet Indoor Trampoline Park
Email for details
Friday Night Live - Greenbriar Recreation Center
The 2nd Friday of each month. Due to low attendance, call first to ensure they are hosting that month.
Sensory Explorations at Amon Carter Museum
Sensory Saturdays, (2nd Saturday of each month) temporarily postponed
Sensory Story Time at Summerglen - Fort Worth Library
Each Saturday, 11 a.m.
Born to Stand Out: A Special Needs Storytime - George W. Hawkes Downtown Arlington Library
Each Thursday, January - April, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Arlington Mayor's Committee on Persons with Disabilities (AMCPD)
Advocacy Theater Company and We Have A Voice
Urban Air Sensory Friendly Jump
The first Sunday of the month (time/date may vary per location)
Chuck E Cheese Sensory Sensitive Sundays
The first Sunday of the month (select locations only)
In the News
UNT Health Science Center Autism & Developmental Disorder Research Seeks Self-advocates and Caregivers to participate in an online survey about autism related services.
June 2018
Texas ABLE Program
A savings program for Texans with Disabilities
Abused and Betrayed (A special series on the hidden epidemic of sexual violence faced by people with IDD)
A National Public Radio Series | January 2018
FDA Grants 'Breakthrough Therapy' Status To Potential Autism Drug
Disability Scoop | January 30, 2018
CDC Says Developmental Disabilities Are On The Rise
by Shaun Heasley | November 29, 2017
Bringing INCLUSION, AWARENESS and EDUCATION to Tarrant County
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